Sunday, April 4, 2010


The mind of the amazing is amazing. The thoughts that derive from neurons transmitting to the synapses from the soul, conscious and unconscious mind and the spirit are cataclysmic and earth changing. Decisions made by me effect what may happen to another person in Africa or Europe. How selfish you say or how unselfish? Then do right to the best of ability.

A stretch of the imagination; but a truth for me.

I imagine myself standing on an incredibly high cliff looking out over white chocolate dipped mountain peaks surrounded by what seem like hand-painted clouds. The air is so thin meditation is required to not begin hyper-ventilating but it’s also crisp, damp and cool against my white cotton clothed skin. My head freshly shaven, face adorned with an honest smile. I am at peace with myself; the world. I turn to see behind the sun setting in the west. What a magnificent sight! I don’t believe I have ever seen one like it before or is it because I am seeing with different eyes? No matter. I stretch my arms wide as my heart races. I am not afraid; not anymore, so I let go. The descent fills me with joy because I know that with every fiber of my being, below waits goodness and newness.

The mind of the amazing is amazing. No one is exempt from greatness. Along the assembly line of life we meet various people and have encounters that wound us, strip us, affect us in a manner we are not the same for better or for worse. We are our own kryptonite. Despite the encounters I believe the anecdote lies within. It takes mining of the soul. It is more work because of external factors. The company we keep is pivotal. It is pivotal because we are inspired and taught by this company.

The mind of the amazing is amazing. Amaze yourself as often as you can.